for those of you who think we are dead.
for those of you who think we have gone our separate ways.
for those of you who are jealous of our inseparable bond.
for those of you who wish you had what we have.
you gotta be kidding me right???
what the heck made u people think we'll be dead after a while??
with our hotness that screams LIFE!!!
hahaha... ya gotta be kidding me..
where else am i to find 3 hotties to french kiss??
where else am i to find 3 hotties to get drunk with??
where else am i to find 3 hotties to catch me when i trip??
i miss u kooks to the maximum la.. ALLY'S BIRTHDAY WAS GOOODDD!!!
we all met up and it was great seeing you guys after so long.. well. sash is back.. so maybe we can do another Bakerzin episode????
a kiss with lots to tongue.. hehehe..
Bimbotic Junkie
Saturday, August 25, 2007
kookinities lives.
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
12:42 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
we're not dead
the title says it all.
we're not dead. we're just on a hiatus... that is till our next outing!!
which i hope happens really really REALLY soon *big huge humongous HINT HINT*
i miss not being able to spend at least 5 hours with you all. i miss all the bimbotic randomness that we can come up with so naturally. i miss all the OOOOOooOOOO and aaaaaHHhhhH when some hottie passes by. lol. and i miss the AC sessions a whole dear lot.
so what's up people??!! u people hardly update me on stuff.
1. How's u??!!
2. How's work??
3. What have you been up too??
aLLy's perfectly fine albiet a sore throat. aLLy is no longer working. things at the office is getting a little bit complicating and the dad doesn't want me around. and i'm not really complaining. i didn't really like doing all the paperwork and making coffee. *phew* lol. oh and i applied to do a bachelors of commerce in Australia. i applied to U. Adelaide, Monash U and Curtin. which according to the lady in IDP should go smoothly. btw, this is only plan B. plan A is still Law at Bond. so Bak, i'm hoping i get to do Law in Bond tooo and i'm not giving up till i get a rejection letter. lol.
yes, so aLLy's stuck with Maths again!!! arrgh. oh btw, remember i told you i was doing f5 addmaths again. lol. i got my form 4 cousin to teach me! yes, someone YOUNGER is teaching me. lol. i know! so weird. haha. but it's quite fun. been meeting up with plenty of long lost kawans too. and the more i meet other friends, the more i miss hanging out with u kDs!! come back to aLLy.
aLLy misses all of you so much. each and everyone of you- i miss in such a special and personal way!! hope we meet up soon.
love love love.
-aTTn Whore-