Wednesday, May 14, 2008

solid torture

5 down folks and 1 more to go

yep yep... thats what been keepin this tiny bimbo away from her beloved Kooks.... sigh... EXAMS......................................

*grumble and swears*

seriously people.. who thought year one sem 2 was easy??? argh if u do then i must admit that u are either :-

a) smarter than me (*rolls eyes and snorts... not hard is it..)

b) an uberly studious person

OR (my personal favourite.. maybe coz has scandal written all over... and for the benefit of CS and the Princess.. spells law suit....)

c) the kid who's doing the lecturer. (hmm.. though if one sees the lecturers we have its probably safe to say that the student sleeping with them for good grades is making more of a sacrifice than any saint in the planet)

SERIOUSLY people... we had like 5 papers so far and all of them were tearfully painful....

BUT ON FRIDAY we smell FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

movie, manicures and make fun of Tubby anyone????? *bounce bounce..

cant wait to see u loves... seriously... been wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long la.. pathetic sash...


Bimbotic Junkie

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To The Cat

Would saying happy birthday to the FAT OLD LAZY cat be too mean?????
*give the ally kay grin*

Fine Fine, I'll tone down the meanness, I won't like it, but I'll do it since it is a BIRTHDAY. Yes, Birthday's give you immunity.

So to you, the Girlfriend Tubby Persian Cat Sugar Daddy, HAPPY 20Th Birthday :) Thank you for all the really random moments, for making sure each of us are safe, for being the understanding person you are :) Even with bad fashion tastes (the pink shirt -_______-, the tourist pants which only looked good in Langkawi cause we're on holiday... and... oh whoops, I was supposed to be nice right?), the I sleep anywhere and everywhere moments, the *sweat drop* times, the OHMYGOSH TUBBY inducing events and even though you wore the Taylor's shirt to Prom, I guess you're still irreplacable. I mean not many people can do what you do and still be sane enough to understand us. (gee I just made you sound so special *beams* )

In all seriousness, kD wouldn't be kD without you -LAH. We're kD- Bimbotic Junkie, Chocolate Slut, Promiscuous Pearl, Attention Whore and you. Without one or the other, it all doesn't mean anything. So don't ditch us k :) I know you love us still, even with everything we do :P :P hehehe

Have fun tubs, and I meant it about the creaking, it's definitely your bones. :P :P Twenty does that to fat lazy cats. *whoops, I REALLLY can't do this nice thing*

haha! Have a good one Tubs!


attnwhore :)

Monday, May 5, 2008








...I miss it all.

...I hate this, where are you people and what happened to good times??
