The long awaiting for so many months.
The familiar noise has returned,
The familiar laughter is everywhere,
The familiar faces are inevitable.
The Kooks reunite!
Don't you just miss us all! Don't be in denial, I know you are! ;)
kookielicious tales from four awesomely fabulous babes<
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
11:47 AM
Labels: PromiscuousPearl
Hey kDs :)
Haven't heard, smelled or touched you hotties in ages. Hotties, gosh, that word now feels foreign in my mouth. I guess, it's quite sad not having people who truly appreciate the word and saying just for fucks sake is such an insult to such an amazing word, don't you think?
How ARE things? Other than everyone studying, having new found friends and eye candies! Gosh, I want the goss people. WHERE is the goss??!! How can you leave aLLy-kay in the dark. That's just plain MEAN okay!
But then again, I'm not any better. Tee Hee *blushess* so here goes... no holding back:
1. Ally is going to sit for her first paper this Saturday (I know, which insane person set the time table??!!) and it's Accounts. My nightmare... or maybe not.
2. The hotties.... heh heh. I saw one today at the reception of the place I live. Oooo, yes yes, very very drool worthy. Dark hair, brown eyes and aussie slang. Tall and broad shoulders. Hehe, lets just say I managed to catch his eye today. Didn't have the guts to do anything else *blusshheesss*
3. I'm very very very much the klutz you all love. I've yet to get around not almost killing myself, I'm driving the people around me mad with worry. Nyeh... if only they knew it's just me.
4. I hate winter. I really do. I hate the cold, I hate how the sun sets at freaking 4.30, I hate how I can't wear skirts and my smexy tops because it's just way too cold and it stands out too much as people are all wrapped up like sushi rolls. Erks. I want SUMMER again!!
5. I've like shopped and shopped and shopped :D hehe. No shoes... yet. Am going to Melbourne in July where I think there is more shopping involved. Hehe.
6. Been pretty busy running around like a mad housewife. I've been grocery shopping and seriously, nothing makes you feel all grown up than buying your own grocery with your own money and carrying it back, comparing prices and keeping it. I feel so domesticated it's not even funny. At least I'm a hot housewife :P
7. I Miss you guys so much! AND WHERE ARE MY E-MAILS??!! You evil evil kooks!! *grrr* hahahaha.
Just thought I'd update our blog cause I feel sad that it's been neglected this long. Gosh, does ANYONE STILL READ??!! If there is, SAY HI!!
I DEMAND YOU TO DO SO!! There, I said it.
Love you all muchies. You guys make my sunshine shine bright. *hugs
5 down folks and 1 more to go
yep yep... thats what been keepin this tiny bimbo away from her beloved Kooks.... sigh... EXAMS......................................
*grumble and swears*
seriously people.. who thought year one sem 2 was easy??? argh if u do then i must admit that u are either :-
a) smarter than me (*rolls eyes and snorts... not hard is it..)
b) an uberly studious person
OR (my personal favourite.. maybe coz has scandal written all over... and for the benefit of CS and the Princess.. spells law suit....)
c) the kid who's doing the lecturer. (hmm.. though if one sees the lecturers we have its probably safe to say that the student sleeping with them for good grades is making more of a sacrifice than any saint in the planet)
SERIOUSLY people... we had like 5 papers so far and all of them were tearfully painful....
BUT ON FRIDAY we smell FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
movie, manicures and make fun of Tubby anyone????? *bounce bounce..
cant wait to see u loves... seriously... been wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long la.. pathetic sash...
Bimbotic Junkie
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
10:54 PM
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
10:13 PM
Labels: ChocolateSlut
hey fellow hotties...
since the almost transparent one left us for the land down under.. and the princess and squishy have been so busy and stressed with all their stuff.. decided to use the blog to update my favourite hotties about my increasingy annoying higher education traumas...
well.. as i;ve told you hotties, stupd Nottingham UK has closed its doors to Malaysian students coz apparently they are having space isues and shit like that....
*grumbles while picking up a sharp knife
so anywayz.. sash has 3 options..
1) sash can transfer to Nottingham China for a year and then come back to Malaysian campus for the third year...
2) sash can move to different universities in the UK such as Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool etc etc etc................
3) sash can transfer her credits to ADELAIDE AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahaha... i think i can hear Ally's gasp from all the way here...
so yes... sash and tubby are going to see the Adelaide representative office tomorrow to check out some stuff....
I really dont mind going to Aussie.. i think i'll have more fun there than stupid cold UK... BAH..
but we'll see.. *fingers crossed* hoping that the parents will be okay with sash going to ADELAIDE....... they always had a thing about their daughter going to UK la so hopefully they'll be able to change their mind la... after all... by going to Aussie, sash is saving them 80K!!!! seriously..
so yes hotties..please do say a little prayer for your little bimbo..
*bounce bounce*
SHE WANTS TO GO TO ADELAIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bimbotic Junkie..
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
1:41 PM
*kiss each and every kookybabe*
i wanted to make that sound... ahem... steamy... but then i remembered that this is a family friendly blog and there might be lil children out there that reads this! *gasp*
killthemkillthemkillthem- ladeeedaaaa~
First and foremost (geepers creepers, that sounds so formal!) I just want to say WHAT'S UP WITH THE EMO POSTS??!!!! LoL! peeeepole, we're KOOKYDOODELZ man, we're fun+hot+fun+bouncy+fun+happy+hot+hot+hot+sorrykids,kinky+nice+special+fun+noisy+the envy of many and did i mention HOT??? NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE?!!!
and I MISS EACH OF YOU TO ITSY BITSY COOKIE CUTTER WHIPPED CREAM CHOCOLATE SPRINKLE sizes!!! That's a LOT of missing for one kinky attention whore to feel!!! But I'm standing here, waiting for time to pass QUICKLY so that I can return back to the land of polluted air and hug each of you for real!! It feels so weird no being able to see & hear you guys- and it's been a MONTH!!! That's a freaking LONG time in KD standards!!
haha! and boy, i thought this blog was going to be a goner, good to see that it's still being kept updated!! Whee~
Well, ally-kay is doing well, surviving out of the comfort of her fellow kds and living each and everyday with positive vibes and zen-ness. LOL! The weather is freaking crazy this past few weeks. It started out really cold @ say 10 degrees and then went up to reaching almooosttt 40! Talk about extreme! And I thought Malaysia is bad :S
Oh, and aLLy got herself a nice nice tan :) Yay! Say bye bye pale unhealthy skin tones :) tell Jason ally's no longer the really pale one!!!! I demand a new nickname! 0=] Oh, speaking of Jason, the Starbucks here is really really cheap, of course we're not talking about conversion!! hahah. It's like 3 dollars and nice mug!! So no prizes in guessing where ally's been spending all her free time correctly :) ho ho ho. Although is still comparatively quite pricey from the other coffee houses, but you know me, Starbucks fan through and through. Brand Loyalty! I would go for cheaper coffee, but the guilt after is just too much!
Water here is really funny tasting- and according to people, it's from the Murray river gone through tons of processing till it's so clean you can even drink it out of the tap. Only down side is.... it's very very very limited. You want to know what's limited resources, you have to come her to truly experience it. See it for yourself- there are hardly any green lawns in housing estates. You know the despo housewives nice green lawns- here no such thing!
Food here is okay. very oily and rather fattening, and i don't want to come back looking like a damn balloon, so i've been eating out rarely. Oh, and walking is like the IN mode of transportation. Well because it's quite safe and the weather is SUPPOSEDLY nice for walking :S haha! Anyways, I have been walking to uni- which is 35 minutes a walk :S Don't ask me what on earth am I doing walking in this heat and all cause I ALSO DON'T KNOW?!!! Something has possessed me to walk. Bahhh.
Random people? some- like there were people who actually came up to me and ask me for money??!! Like ooookay, aren't you on the doe?! Ask the government!! I've heard stories of random old ladies whacking you with their canes without reasons!!! or smelly bums that passes you and they smeeellll!!! hahah! And the drunks are pretty funny too, before they become violent that is.
Yesss, Adelaide is pretty entertaining. Wish I had you guys to share the fun with though.
Oh I forgot the most important of all- eye candy. It's not too shabby I gotta say. The gals here are uber HOT larrrrr!!! I feel so intimidated!! What over sized, obese, guai lows?!!! These people are so slim and tall and freaking long hair all!!! And the legs on these people are to die for!!! It's like barbie doll's legs!!! Must be the walking!! So jealous okay!!! And for clothing, damn, most of them are Ms! And I'm an M!!! geeeeee.... what does that tell you??! and I'm straight, normal girl who sometimes feel insecure about her hotness. Bleh!
The guys- okay larr. Very few surfer dudes to ogle at unfortunately. LoL! I don't really know, i guess there were some that boleh tahan and some the made me go- EwwwwW! Tall, broad shoulders, washboard abs... yeaaaa- the best part of this freaking weather!!!
Sorry, totally forgot about the small kids reading this. killthemkillthemkillthem!!!
Really miss all you hotties alot! I'm fitting in well and all, but you know you guys left too deep an impression to forget. Am thinking of each of you always.
p/s: we were famous in Taylor's!!! ask pearl to tell you the story. It feels weird having to type it down. What if someone HERE reads this??!! LOL!
love you tons!
take care.
update often!!!
hey babes.. went to SJ today to finally pick up my dreaded A Levels cert...
walking down the streets of ss15 is literally like walking down memory lane.. hahahaha.. was thinking about all the random things that happened in all the various places...saw MS Glamour.. where we had our random window shopping...saw MAC centre where we cetak rompak all of our books.. Old Town Kopitiam where we had random cravings for the nasi lemak... Uncle Bob's chicken..
bah.. too much emoness for a kooks soul...
anyhoos.. how is our hawtie Ally doing la? no noise from the current Aussie chick is there???
Bimbotic Junkie
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
9:51 PM
its been some time. yes i admit. and trust me i have stories. wounded. hurt. tainted. but healing. its taking longer then i expected but i am healing.
i miss you babes. i miss the times i didnt have anything to care about. i miss the times we could just walk out of class and decide to catch a movie. i miss you. your laughter. your coffee. you smiles and your giggles.
i know i'm being emo. ally is so far away. its hard to imagine that its gonna be like this for a while until we all fly home to our nests.
life had been just that. life.
i need to see or talk to you babes soon. and no i'm not on the verge of suicide. it just sucks to think that i'm going through so much and i havent split any of it. its getting a little hard to contain.
so yea.. please do find a little time for your little sash.
she needs you kooks.
loves you always..
bimbotic junkie
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
8:18 PM
Dear Choc. Slut, Bimbotic Junkie and Pearl Princess, Fellow persian cat erm i mean tubby erm i mean... lalala~ i pretend I have forgotten ur real name k ;)
It's thank whoever it was that brought all of us together. I thank God for letting it happen and bringing each of us together. I mean seriously, it would be horrible if we hadn't met, I'd be miss clumsy and prolly end up in a ditch somewhere!!! And think of the memories we'd be missing out on!! So whoever that person was, no matter who, I seriously think you rawk!
Thanks so much for being there for me when I needed people most, thank for all the heart-2-hearts and the advices and the ears. Thank you for being there when I'm most weak and vulnerable. Especially when I'm in a crazy mess, you hotties never ditched me! For that thank you!
Each of you have been such a blessing in my life and I really cannot fathom how life in Taylors would be like without each of you! And right now at this hour, I really am afraid of going to Oz because your shoes are definitely WAYYY too big to be filled. Certainly there isn't another kookydoodelz number 2 out there! This scares me because I really don't know how to survive without you guys! My support system, my heart - most of my memories these past 2 years have been with you in it- boy it's certainly going to be different 2008. But that being said, do not erase ally-kay away from ur memories okay.
I carry apart of each of you in my heart and I indeed am grateful for everything. I love each of you so so much. This certainly isn't goodbye, but merely a short hiatus. There will certainly be more memories to make and more things to talk about. Remember that ally-kay will be here for each of you whenever you need someone and wherever you are. I carry a part of you in my heart.
Okay, I better stop now, before this post gets any mushier. I wouldn't want 3 hotties with tissue papers and smudge eye-liners when this post is done. So I better end here, writing more is getting hard because I too am going to break into tears any moment. Silly.
So thanks again Pearl, Sash, Bak and Joseph (i do rememeber you name larr!) but for memories sake, Tubby. For your friendship and endless support. For the things you blessed me with and the bountiful memories you've presented me with. For leaving concrete footprints in my heart and taking time out to spend time with me.
Keep in touch and take care! All the best in every field you set out to do and remember lil old ally when you're rich and famous OKAY!!! lol. May everything you touch become rich and things you do bring you happiness.
God Bless. Love each of you and your special attributes. Till then, SEE YOU SOON!! (no goodbyes!!)
p/s: Happy Birthday Sash & Pearl!!!
Hey! So we're changing plans a little bit.
So kooks & extended family take note.
DINNER IS One Utama at 7 pm @ still yet to be decided.
instead of Laundry (cause Laundry's having something i heard) we're moving it to Mardi Gras.
Just take note =]
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
3:43 PM
TO The Kooks & The Extended Kooky Family (includes bf, fiances, friends, classmates) (approval from kookydoodelz needed)
VENUE: The Curve
Date: 31st Jan 2008, Thursday!
1. Dinner
Time: Estimate 7 pm.
Venue: To Be Decided
2. Laundry
Time: About 9.30 pm till whenever we feel like leaving / Laundry closes. (whichever comes first)
Venue: Laundry lah!
NOTE: RSVP with me or Bak (you have our numbers) by Wednesday or Thursday morning?
NOTE 2: kookydoodelz for updates!
and to you kooks- aLLy's house after! I will not LET you sleep that night! hahah. Sounds kinky doesn't it *winks*
ever had those thoughts?? where u wonder if it'll hurt if you throw yourself off a building? or accidentally slip somewhere to hurt yourself.. or suddenly wake up one morning with no memory of what you've done for the last 2 days......
i wish!!! stupid exams.. those thoughts are becoming more frequent now.. wondering how i can land myself in hospital or something and just skip it all... freaking pissing off shit... why do we even do this to ourselves? as a test? what makes the straight a student feel so much smarter than the guy who didnt do so well? just coz that the straight a student mugged the whole year? and the guy who didnt do so well studied 2 hours before the exam and still passed? kinda makes u think about the pathetic mindset of society doesnt it...
why even sit for it anywayz? coz our parents make us. coz if i walked up to them and said.. hey i'm not prepared for this exam and i'll sit for it next sem... no biggie.. i'll get the whole.. "wtf?? why cant u be more responsible? whats wrong with your attitude? dont u know you have to study hard, get a's, get a secure job, make a measely couple of thousands working for someone else, live in a delusional world believing that this is what u've wanted to do all your life and stay "happy"?
well guess what. i've had enough.
i wont study what i dont want to. fuck accounts. never liked it in the first place.
i refuse to end up working for someone else.
i refuse to get into a stable job. i rather live like a pauper for the first few years my company is growing then laugh at all the suckers that didnt believe in me when i drive that new BMW
i refuse to settle for thousands. i want to make millions.
i'm sitting in the wrong degree. i hate it. i dont want to be an accountant. do i look like an accountant to you? honestly? a five year old could tell you the answer for that one.
just because i can doesn't mean i have to.
Bimbotic Junkie.
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
1:19 PM
Posted by
Kooky Doodelz
9:43 PM