Friday, March 9, 2007


{kooky.doodelz} have been disturbing errr i totally meant visiting (We're kind hearted) civillians all over Bangsar!!!! and MidValley. the 4 clan members have been spotted in a BLACK PROTON SAVVY (number plate *******) :D singing to loud loud AAA class music and not to mention one VERY OFF KEY member singing "EVERYBODYYYY" before the words come up in the music. and it's not the attention-wore. i got a classier way of getting attention, mind u. *winkz*
p/s: i know u would loovvveee to see the CAT FIGHT. *grinnz* buuuttttt
TOO BAD!!!!!!! Laa Deeee Daaaa Deee Daaaa~
BJ have mentioned all the GORY errr i mean awsomely sweet, powerful, i know i can make u jealous details in the post below. so just stroll down and read up. BTW, Pudgy (CS's) is NOT all that GOOD as the parent says it to be. this member thinks the parent is in denial that there is some HUGE DEGREE of sneakiness in Pudgy. and think she has purposely blocked out or blinded herself to the damage PUDGY has discreetly caused and is planning to cause (prolly she's the mastermind herself *gasssppp*). hmmph!! THEREFORE, Dusty and Smudgy, are very in-love and is NOT AS BAD as PUDGY. 0=)
and Promiscuous P., don't push the fault to SOMEBODY. poor SOMEBODY. it's like JEFF. i don't think they know what hit them. pfft! (inside joke)
bottomline is, THE KooKy.DooDeLz clan had an awesome time yesterday. and most importantly, the GOOD FOOD BJ's mum made!!!!! mmmhhhmmmm.
hehe. we must traumatise errr i mean visit more civillians soon. as CS always says, WORLD DOMINATION!!!
haha! now off to Starbucks!!!