the date: 23 June 2007
we started the day really really really late which in our case GOOD (we decided that this trip was going to be relaxed and not rushed thru). the first stop was our little favourite spot - STARBUCKS, yes we actually drove around town the day before finding for OUR Starbucks (we are THAT loyal to Starbucks that we actually deserve loyalty cards! hmmph) haha. so we stoned and rested there- played Uno (which surprisingly Bak won most games!) then did some shopping- where we bought RUM cause everybody wanted to be hot Captain Jack Sparrow =) we had our BRUNCH at Starbucks and then we visited the Giant Eagle.
At the Giant Eagle, we took like TONS of poser pics (even Tubby) and well, lets just say, many tourists were able to take back souveniers of the KDs and our smexy asses =) nyahahaa. we're going to be internationally famous ppl *beams*
then we went to the Lighthouse which was located somewhere in EYEBROW is-LAND. i dunno bout the rest but Ally wasn't paying much attention here cause ally was too busy trying to crack open Tubby's weird puzzle. but i think the place was not too bad- a lil shabby but it is Malaysia AFTERALL. all Ally can remember is that Pearl screamed Millipeede (sp?) and took piccies and yeah..... the rest there is a rather blurr
We went for a dip at the Jacuzzi and well Tubs, Bak, Calv and Pearl came up with an add for AirAsia using the music of "I belive i can fly" we made quite alot of noise... but we were loved, no denying that. Even the tourists took a fondness of us *winkz*
then we headed off to the beach. Ally and Calvin decided to get a tan cause we were freaking pale. ally even went without sun-block. the result : unsuccessful! arrgh. annoying betul. i guess all of us were tired cause we all fell asleep at the beach for atleast 1/2 an hour. haha. and ofcourse what would a beach outing be without a SWIM at the BEACH??
Bak, Sash, Calvs, and I swam first since Tubs and Pearl we're still zzzZZZ. sash and her beach ball, Bak, Calvs and I decided to go deeper. i think the water was just right under my chin- when Calvin says "can we not go anymore further. I'm SCARED" pfft. yupz, that's from our 5'9 (?) macho man. hahaha. the wonders of this trip. Then Tubs and Pearl came. and well, i went ColdWater searching =)
then we went swimming where Sash and I saw somethings we wish we hadn't. lets just say, we will never look at tight yellow speedos the same way again. urgh.
then we drove around searching for Thai food. wasn't too happy with the food today, we could have found better. but as i said, it's not really the food larr, it's the company. and i'm darn sure that we had good company. and ally managed to territorize Tubby's Sotong =) *grinz* those sotongs were damn good. laaa deee dumms.
then we headed to the beach with Absoulute Vodka, Coke & beer and found a seat at the beach, looked at stars and was having a good time- until we felt something wasn't too right. Pearl was awfully quiet!!!! Sash too, but sash fell asleep and was excused. we turned to Pearl and boom "i'm gonna puke"
whoaaa. the bells went off in our heads- we rushed her to the Toilet on the way people felt threatened and wemt "human here, human here" so we avoided them all and got pearl to the toilet in time.
decided that it was a night, so we got Pearl back, Tubby attempted to carry her, ATTEMPTED- didn't get far. but yeah, she vomitted a little more on the way, got her finally to the room, dressed her, wiped her, fed her water and by 3 am, the princess was finally asleep. Thank God, sash fell asleep first cause it was a really LOOONG nite.
btw, Pearl is a really ADORABLE drunk. haha. she says the most honest things. heh. and with this, Pearl goes home with goo stories to tell her grand kids one day- "i got drunk in the beach with the waves crashing down...." which would unlikely happen to ally and bak as they both have VERY VERY high tolerence to alcohol. blehx. so we both decided to let Pearl tell our kids her story =)
yup, that was the day of day 2. i wouldn't have it any other way. it was really fun.
now, as ally sits here infront of her lappy, kinda sad it's over *pouts*
Thanks Bak, Sash, Pearl, Joseph and Calvin for making this trip so memorable =) love each and everyone of u in a really special wayy =) hugs hugs.
aLLy had lots and lots and lots of fun *bounce* *bounce*
aLLy wants MORE!!!