Thursday, June 14, 2007

stupid econs...

BAH... its throwing off my grooove...

can u believe after an entire week of just lazing around and doing stuff i knew I'll only get around to after the exams.. i can;t believe that i have to sit my butt down and do stuuuuuupid econs..


so i'm sitting here stoning with a cup of "tea" hehehehe... and i can hardly contain the excitement of LANGKAWI.. it just seems to be spilling through my ears or something.. coz even when i dun mean to be excited.. apparently people around me can sense it.. like some kinda freaky excitement glow... ish.. embarrassing it is.. so distant from my usual rocker chick, emo, stone, black eyeliner, disaster attitude... (sorry.. i told u it was getting to me... the thought of econs i mean)


and the answer to the person who asked why i write so much on this blog compared to the rest of the family is coz they have their own blogs.. i on the other hand belong solely to Kookydoodelz inc. and therefore, i save my family from blatant humiliation of having a dried up blog...(bitch alert) so yea.. i blog here coz i dun have another place to rant and i refuse to get another place coz then i'll be obliged to rant there.. and sometimes, this bimbo just doesn't wanna rant. so thats pretty awkward isn't it?

8 days to LANGKAWI and 3 to prom!!